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Dr. Murray's, Telemorx, Colostrum, Organic, Gluten-Free, Anti-Aging, Nutraceutical, Supplement

"I have been competing in fitness competitions for the last 10 years. I was introduced to Telemorx® when I injured my back preparing for a National contest that was three weeks away. I had been working for many years towards this personal goal and was devastated that I would not be able to compete with an injury this severe. Desperate to find a good healthy solution that would with the aid of rehabilitation, would very quickly repair my torn muscle, I was introduced to Telemorx® by a family doctor.After the first week of taking Telemorx®, I knew that I had a real chance of getting better in time my show. Not only was my back getting better but I experienced so much more. In the three weeks that I needed, my back injury was healed, my energy was up and my reflexes improved. I was able to not only enter the contest but I won my class.All my family and friends now use Telemorx®. They all experience the same results that I felt and thank me all the time for introducing them to such a great natural product. I would recommend this product without question and do every day! "        


Paula Chennells

March 2014

Dr. Murray's, Telemorx, Xtreme, Colostrum, Organic, Gluten-Free, Anti-Aging, Nutraceutical, Supplement

"As a martial arts trainer for professional athletes I have to keep my mind and body sharp. This requires me to be very selective about what I use as fuel and supplementation, using only the best products available. Since using Telemorx® Xtreme I have more stamina and faster recovery than before. My sense of focus is more acute allowing me to safely perform closer to the edge for longer periods of time. I’m thrilled to have such a wonderful supplement to recommend to my clients and family. It’s the best nutritional tool in my arsenal. Thank you Telemorx® Xtreme."


Sifu Drey Chennells

March 2014

Dr. Murray's, Telemorx, Colostrum, Organic, Gluten-Free, Anti-Aging, Nutraceutical, Supplement

"When my son was a senior in high school, he suffered an injury resulting in a tear of the ulnar collateral ligament of his thumb in the first pre-season game. This injury, called a Game Keeper’s Thumb, of requires surgery if significant. We saw the orthopedic surgeon and he tested the stability of the ligament and recommended surgery after he was able to significantly bend my son’s thumb in the wrong direction. My son refused surgery as he did not want to miss the rest of the season, for recruitment purposes. He only missed the following game and had his hand taped every day for practice. He immediately started taking 8 Telemorx® per day as instructed by Dr. Murray. He finished the season and we returned to a different orthopedic hand surgeon. When he tested the stability of the thumb joint, he replied that there was maybe 5 % laxity and definitely did not recommend surgery. Telemorx® is the only thing I can contribute to the healing of this ligament."


"My daughter was involved in a traumatic motorcycle accident last year, she was 17 years old. She suffered a grade 4 laceration of her liver (split her liver in half), a fractured scapula (shoulder blade), a fractured lumbar vertebrae, injury to ligaments covering her MP joints (knuckles) of her hand, and significant road rash and abrasions across her face, shoulders, back, and knee. She immediately started taking Telemorx® and returned to school within 2 weeks of the accident. She returned to work 4 weeks after the accident. She has a small scar on her arm as the only visible result of the trauma. She returned to full function within 6 weeks of the accident."          


"I, personally, take Telemorx® daily for anti-aging and would recommend it to anyone in need of healing from accident or injury."      


Sally D., PT, ATC, LAT

March 2014

Dr. Murray's, Telemorx, Colostrum, Organic, Gluten-Free, Anti-Aging, Nutraceutical, Supplement

"I have been taking Telemorx® for six years and for six years, I have not been sick. I am around sick people so much and I still never get sick. I have15 Interns from UCF, and they come to work with so many symptoms that you would expect I would catch something. I also have so much energy, even though I am 67 years old. I will continue to take Telemorx®, as long as it is available."


Candy C.

February 2014

Dr. Murray's, Telemorx, Plus, Colostrum, Organic, Gluten-Free, Anti-Aging, Nutraceutical, Supplement

"Dr. Murray introduced me to Telemorx® when I was approaching 60 years old. I was concerned about staying healthy and extending my active lifespan. I have taken Telemorx® – and more recently, Telemorx® Plus – for 12 years. In that period of time I have never contracted a single illness. This while traveling and working in multiple public exposures. If I did feel a cold or sore throat coming on, I took additional Telemorx® and within days - often within one day – my symptoms were gone. I am as active now at 71 years old as I was at 55. My weight is at my Army basic training level and my stamina is considerably better than virtually all of my peers. Simply put, I have aged very well. And I am absolutely confident that this is in large measure due to Mr. Murray’s SN products and his continuing anti-aging care. I’m convinced – and you should be also!"


Jim S.

February 2014

Dr. Murray's, Facial, Cream, Colostrum, Bovine, Rejuve, Natural, Anti-Aging, Nutraceutical, Supplement

"I was very lucky to get access to cold processed organic colostrum during chemotherapy and radiations for my rectal cancer. I started to take 100% Liquid Colostrum during 4 months every day. I followed Dr. Murray dosages that were higher than usual as I am 83 years old going through cancer therapy. Within a day or two, I started to feel better: more energy, better spirit, more strength, better sleep. I felt like the liquid colostrum was helping my body to repair the damages of the radiations and chemotherapy. I just went through my petscan and blood tests and my oncologist told me that I am healed! I am certain and I strongly believe that the colostrum has helped my recovery as well as my fight to the rectal cancer."


Josette Courouble

Le Boulou - France


Dr. Murray's, Liquid, Colostrum, Bovine, Organic, Gluten-Free, Anti-Aging, Nutraceutical, Supplement

"I started using the Rejuve Facial Cream approximately 2 months ago and I see my face more firm, less wrinkles, softer and vibrant."


Dunia B.

February 2013

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    **The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other healthcare professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment.**​

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